Akshit Moringa Leaves 13 oz I hojas de moringa I Feuilles de Moringa Bio Akshit

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Moringa is one of nature's most nutritious superfoods, high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants (antioxidantes/antioxydants) and essential amino acids.

La moringa es uno de los superalimentos más nutritivos de la naturaleza, alto contenido en vitaminas, minerales, antioxidantes (antioxidantes / antioxidantes) y aminoácidos esenciales.

Moringa leaf benefits are;

Consuming this nutritious superfood may provide potassium, calcium, iron, and amino acids. It contains over 46 antioxidants, Vitamins (vitaminas) like A, C plant-based proteins, Zinc and amino acids that may strengthen your immune system (fortalecer su sistema inmunológico/renforcer votre système immunitaire) and may guard you from common health problems naturally.

Create moringa leaf recipes by Adding moringa leaf to smoothies, oatmeal & yogurt, add it to sauces, soups, even baked goods to add extra vegetables that are fruits & nutrition to your diet.
Product Details
Product Type: loose leaf
Type: Herbal Tea
Shape: leaf, powder
Variety: Moringa Leaf Tea
Specialty: Immune and Anti-dioxidants
Packaging: Bags.
Shelf Life: 2 years
Place of Origin: Uganda
Weight: 75g(2.4 oz)

Preparations of Moringa tea

  • Boil a cup of water
  • Pour the boiling water over the moringa leaves to steep
  • Leave the leaves in the water for at least 5 minutes
  • Strain the liquid and pour into a teacup

Adding ice cubes will create iced tea.

Are dried Akshit moringa leaves healthy? They are healthy and they have 7 times more Vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas.

¿Son saludables las hojas secas de moringa Akshit? Son saludables y tienen 7 veces más vitamina C que las naranjas y 15 veces más potasio que los plátanos. to maintain color, moisture and nutrients.

¿Puedo secar hojas de moringa de Akshit en el horno? Sí, pero a 50 grados centígrados para mantener el color, la humedad y los nutrientes.

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