Akshit Natural Turmeric 2.4 oz I cúrcuma natural I Akshit Naturel Curcuma

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Turmeric Roots(Raíces De Cúrcuma) Are Obtained From The Turmeric Plant Valued For Its Exceptional And Pungent Flavor And Has Been Used For Thousands Of Years To Produce A Golden Dye.

Turmeric curcumin is a unique deep orange rhizome that has an earthy, lightly spiced flavor with 3-6% of curcumin. Curcuma long is a tropical plant that is related to ginger with golden color grown on the tropical fertile soil of Uganda.
Turmeric benefits are that it can be mixed with peppermint and stevia for natural tasty Turmeric tea, Turmeric powder and milk for a delish golden milk tea, can be used as a Turmeric Eye Mask to minimize dark circles, Turmeric body scrub for use on the body, Turmeric Face Mask to clear skin and make it healthier which you can make by using Turmeric and honey and many other ways.
Turmeric Tea Benefits include boosting immune system, lowering cholesterol and many more.

Los beneficios del té de cúrcuma incluyen estimular el sistema inmunológico, reducir el colesterol y muchos más.

Product Details

  • Drying Process: Natural
  • Shape: sliced roots
  • Color: Yellow
  • Place of Origin: Uganda
  • Shelf Life: 2 Years
  • Product Name: Turmeric

Preparations of Turmeric Tea using Turmeric roots

  • Boil a cup of water
  • Pour the boiling water over the Turmeric roots to steep.
  • Steep in water for at least 5 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and pour into a teacup.

Are turmeric supplements safe? Akshit Turmeric is generally safe since it contains no additives and is organically grown.

¿Son seguros los suplementos de cúrcuma? La cúrcuma Akshit es generalmente segura ya que no contiene aditivos y se cultiva orgánicamente.

Are turmeric and curcumin the same thing? Yes, they are the same thing.

¿La cúrcuma y la curcumina son lo mismo? Si, son la misma cosa.

Are turmeric lattes good for you? Drinking turmeric lattes regularly may help you reduce chronic inflammation and risk of serious diseases.

¿Son buenos los lattes de cúrcuma? Beber café con leche de cúrcuma con regularidad puede ayudarlo a reducir la inflamación crónica y el riesgo de estas enfermedades graves.

Are turmeric leaves edible? Turmeric plant is mainly known for it's edible roots but all parts of the plant including the leaves and flowers can be consumed.

¿Las hojas de cúrcuma son comestibles? La planta de cúrcuma es principalmente conocida por sus raíces comestibles, pero se pueden consumir todas las partes de la planta, incluidas las hojas y las flores.

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